Reader of the Month – May!
It was hard to choose, I’ll admit. You guys have been bored enough at work or home to visit The Jewball many many times and leave kind, funny, and virulently anti-Yankee comments. But really, it came down to this. One of my readers does her blog perusing on dial-up. I mean, visiting several times a day on a phone line? That, my friends, is dedication. And so, with much fondness and appreciation, the Reader of the Month for May is Steph318. Now, I’ve never met Steph and so I’ll have to take her word for it that this is actually her. The best part is, when I asked Steph to send in a photo where she wasn’t readily identifiable, she sent me this one:
That’s her behind the dogs. I think. But I wanted a picture of Steph normally, you know, as she’d appear on a weekday around the house.
There we go. Perfect.
But let me wax a little more lyrical. First off, according to an early comment, she visits my blog 42 brazillion times a day. I’m not really that good at math, but I know that’s a lot. Second, she uses a lot of exclamation points in her comments so I know either her shift/1 key is stuck or she really, really gets me. Lastly, she lives in my second favorite state, Maryland, which has the added bonus of ensuring she will never come claim her dinner, which, of course she’d have to pay for anyway.
But I think the thing I love most about Steph, after her adorableness (is that a word? don’t tell me if it isn’t), is that she leads a life entirely different than my own, in rural beauty, surrounded by God’s creatures. And by God’s creatures I don’t mean rats and homeless people. For example, the below:
Steph described this as “a sheep head in the doggie door.” Doggie door? Here we call that a burglar door
So here’s to you, Steph! Let’s have a mutton dinner the next time you’re up this way.
Now isn’t that cute sheep a lot more comforting than that Red Sox logo? I feel better already.
So I stupidly forgot to ask Miss May what song she’d like on her page but I picked this one on her behalf because it always makes me think of the country. It’s very evocative. Don’t be turned off because it’s Everclear; their early stuff was just brilliant. Then they decided to become their own tribute band. Their own lame tribute band. This, however, is from their first album, back when they both rocked and moved you.
Of course, Steph won’t be able to hear it since she’s on dial-up.
Everclear – Fire Maple Song