Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


We fade to grey

Filed under : Meta/Blognews
On April 30, 2006
At 3:15 am
Comments : 6

Oh, it’s here, it’s here! The new look Magic Jewball! Clearly I have spent way too many hours on this and no one will care as much as I do, but looks do count, don’t they? That’s what people try to tell me, anyway, when I tell them I get my hair done at Supercuts. Then they laugh and laugh.

But I hope this both represents my monochromatic style and is somewhat easier to read. Which reminds me of a story (doesn’t everything) about how my mother once picked out a souvenir for me in London. She walked into a record store, found the person wearing the most black, and asked him what he was listening to. Clever, right?

But, in case you couldn’t totally get a read on my enthusiasm, I’ve decided to include this little illustrative film. Here’s an event that makes me comparably delighted. It’s a simple story, really, about that special time in a young girl’s day when the #1 train arrives to take her home. Sadly, the making of this film caused me to be the last one to enter said train and I didn’t get a seat. See what I go through for you?

By the way, there is no sound. Please feel free to hum.

Some suggestions are:
1. Love & Rockets/Kundalini Express
2. The Cure/Jumping Someone Else’s Train
3. Quad City DJ’s/C’mon N’ Ride It (The Train)
(I wouldn’t suggest this one unless you are mentally impaired in some way)
4. REM/Driver 8
5. The Clash/Train In Vain (has nothing to do with trains, really, though)
6. New Order/Blue Monday (just sounds good with everything)

All right, start humming, film’s about to start.