Magic Jewball

all signs point to no


I’d like to drop my trousers to the Queen

Filed under : International,News,Royalty
On April 12, 2006
At 9:36 am
Comments : 4

While channel-surfing those morning shows I hate this a.m. in search of some real news, I chanced upon this teaser on CBS’ The Early Show: “After the break, Prince Harry reaches a milestone in his life.”

Was it to much to hope that it would be this?

Nope, it was his graduation from military academy. They did manage to get in a mention of the better story towards the end of the piece, though. After this earth-shattering lead item they got to the other, duller news.


4 Comments for this post

  1. Jane says:

    I want to see photos of the girl(s) that Harry got the lapdance(s) from. I’m curious. What kind of stripper does a Prince prefer?

  2. Becca says:

    I’m guessing that when you’ve been in a military academy and your girlfriend lives on another continent, any kind will do.

    Second guess: blonde and busty.

  3. Kay says:

    All of the papers here had this as the lead story yesterday, except for The Guardian, which oddly enough, led with the situation with Iran. Go figure.

  4. jillmvs says:

    Spearmint Rhino? Weird, even for those kooky Brits.

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